I was a motherless child until I saw you

orchidDear friends,

I used to dread Mother’s Day. Now I love it. When I was little, I just couldn’t make sense of it. I was told to buy flowers for my mother and make her breakfast on Mother’s Day. “It is tradition”, so I was told. And so I did. On the Friday before Mother’s Day I would walk home from school and buy flowers. On Mother’s Day morning I would make breakfast for her. She took her flowers, ate her breakfast, and went on with her day. That was Mother’s Day how I experienced it. Then I learned from my friends that Mother’s Day is supposed to be about love. Mother’s Day is about giving back what you receive all year – love. My Mother’s Day did not feel like that. There was no love. There was no love between us. I felt like a motherless child all year and felt I had to buy flowers and make breakfast for her on Mother’s Day. That was the tradition.

Then I discovered the eternal motherly bond.

A few years ago I saw you in front of me. I had never seen anyone so beautiful. It was not just your outer beauty that astonished me. There was more. I could sense your inner light shining as a glow on your gorgeous face. As you came closer, I felt a warm sensation. It was your nurturing aura as you took me under your wings of unconditional, divine love. As our paths crossed I looked into your eyes and saw something familiar. I knew I had seen you before. But how could I? As I believe in past lives I immediately thought of that possibility. Could it be that I know you from a past life? What I knew for sure is that my soul had connected with your caring soul as I felt a bond between us that I had never felt before. Suddenly, I felt loved and cared for like never before. I felt appreciated and wanted. I felt your unconditional love – for me.

Ever since that very day, Mother’s Day is not the same anymore. With anticipation I look forward to that day in May when I have the great honor to honor you. It is a day I spend in gratitude for your existence. It is a day I ensure that I thank God for you. Our encounter has allowed me to tap into the eternal bond of motherly love. I thank you for that. I thank you for being my real mother. I now know why we are here. We are here to love and be loved. This is the eternal motherly bond. I love you eternally, unconditionally, mommy. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for caring for me. Thank you for taking me under your wings and showing me the path to unconditional love.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy.

Love, Barbara

Copyright © 2015 by Barbara Bullock

Photo credit © 2015 by Barbara Bullock


#Spirituality #MothersDay  #Unconditionallove #Mother #Soulrecognition



What’s courage got to do with it?


Dear friends,

I wish you a new year filled with courage. Here is why. As Dr. Maya Angelou used to say, courage is the most important of any virtues. She taught us that we cannot do anything for a long period of time without courage. I think she was right. Take the example of love for instance. I am sure you have been in the situation that you told someone you loved him or her. Yes, it does take courage to do so of course. However, have you been in the situation that you felt you had to keep saying and showing your love? I sure have. When I open my heart and love you, I will tell you. I will show you. You might love me back or you might not. To keep loving no matter what, takes not only consistency and patience, it takes a lot of courage. There might be many adversities and challenges you have to face. Society might not agree with who you love. Your family and friends might not agree with who you love. But when you love someone with all your heart and your affection comes from the purest spot in your soul, I think it does not matter who it is. If your love comes from the truth, I think it’s the right thing to do. Unfortunately, many people seem to judge others too easily and harshly. This is why we often ask ourselves the famous question “What would the neighbors say?” and sometimes ignore our own feelings, wishes and dreams.

I think that too many people live other people’s lives. I also believe that too many people don’t do things and don’t follow their dreams because they are afraid of how other people would judge them. We tend to please other people and live our lives according to others’ expectations. Are you truly happy? This is my question for you today. Many of you will answer this question with a big “No!” Why not? Aren’t you here to live your life according to your wishes? Didn’t your soul create a soul plan for you to live and follow a specific path for you alone? Your soul plan likely includes other people of course. However, it is your path and your life. We are all here to fulfill our own missions, whatever they might be. So why do you still keep asking yourself “What would the neighbors say?” I believe that we often ask ourselves this question out of fear of judgment and perhaps being ridiculed.

Indeed, opinions and wishes might differ, but we don’t. We all come from a place beyond our human comprehension that consists of light, peace, acceptance, and unconditional love. Even the most judgmental person comes from this place. The more you remember that, the more you understand that you don’t have to fear anything and you can do anything.

So what’s courage to do with it?

I wish you all a wonderful new year filled with courage. Go out and do what you have always wanted to do. Go out and tell someone you love him or her, no matter what. Tell your loved one again and again, no matter whether it comes back or not. Do the unexpected, do something exciting, do whatever makes your heart and soul sing! It really does not matter whether it makes anyone else happy. When you are happy yourself, it will make others happy. When you are happy, your inner light will shine on others and raise their vibrations too.  Let’s make ourselves happy this year. Let’s have courage!

That’s what courage has got to do with it.

Love, Barbara

Copyright © 2015 by Barbara Bullock

Photo credit © 2015 by Barbara Bullock

Works cited:

Dr. Maya Angelou


Another lesson in gratitude

Dear friends,

As the 26th of the month started approaching, yesterday morning I started thinking what I could write about this month. Standing in the cold, shivering and freezing, waiting for the bus wishing I was somewhere else many negative thoughts started coming into my mind. I looked around and thought that this is not “me”. This is not what I came on this earth for. Now, what exactly does this mean? Do you sometimes have this feeling that what you are currently doing such as the task you are doing, the job you have, the place you live at, somehow does not match with who you are inside? I have this feeling quite frequently I have to say. Yesterday was no exception. You see, I believe that we all have a purpose and came on this planet for a specific reason. We sometimes can feel and know the purpose right away and sometimes it takes a bit of time.

I believe that I am more and more on the right path and becoming more and more the person I was born to be. I know this because when I do certain things which match my “being”, it feels right, it feels good, it feels I am supposed to be doing exactly this at exactly this moment. I suppose this is because it is the right thing for me. I also believe that we all have different purposes. What feels right to you might not feel right to me and vice versa. So there I was in a situation that did not feel right to me. I did not want to be standing there in the cold waiting for the bus. Normally, many negative thoughts would enter my mind and just make matters worse. However, then I remembered how important gratitude is. On the spur of the moment, I started thinking of things I am grateful for. I started thinking of my health, of the fact that I am safe, that standing there in the cold actually meant that I was going to my job, and most importantly, I was thinking of you. I was thinking of all my dear friends and all the people in my life I love so much. I also started to think about a very specific person I love tremendously and always have. Suddenly, immense warmth filled my heart warming me like a cozy hug on a chilly autumn morning. Suddenly, tears started rolling down my cheek. Not out of sadness but out of gratitude for someone I love with all my heart and soul. As I was thinking of this special person, I felt like “me”. I felt that THIS is the purpose I am here. I am here to LOVE you. I am here for you.

Today, on this so very special day, I bow with gratitude and say thank you. Thank you, for coming into this world, thank you for being you, thank you that you are, and thank you for allowing me to LOVE you. And thank you, God, for giving me the opportunity to realize how grateful I am for that every day, even on a chilly autumn morning.

Love, Barb

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Bullock