Christmas is where love is


Gingerbread house at Baur au Lac, Zurich
Gingerbread house at Baur au Lac, Zurich

Merry Christmas from my place of love and light. This Christmas is really special. I feel so grateful to be celebrating Christmas here. I was not sure whether I could come here this year. I feel very blessed that it worked out. As the holidays approached, many people asked me where I spend Christmas.

Naturally, it is assumed that I spend the holidays with my family. When I think of family, two very different emotions start to emerge within me – pain and unconditional love. I hope that when you think of family all you think of is love and that your family means the world to you. To tell you the truth, when I think of my biological family, or let’s say certain members, I feel sadness and pain, feel neglected and hurt. A visit there is a struggle and means stress and judgment; the house feels cold and empty emotionally. No, I do not wish to spend my holidays there. I will tell you more about them when I feel ready. For now, let us focus on the positive, after all, it is Christmas – a time of light and love!

There are places and people in the world who make me feel loved, welcome and cared for. These are places that resonate with my soul in every sense. From the architecture to the culture, from simple kindness to unconditional love that seems to go around. Love is in the air there. I feel home. When I go there I feel like I am coming home. More familiar than with my birthplace, I know my way around and feel as if I belong there. People feel like old friends. People here feel like family even if they are not. When this happens, souls recognize each other as familiars from other lifetimes. Someone not related to you can feel more like family than the family you were born into. A place can feel more home than the place of residence. All happens on the soul level; all happens where unconditional love comes from. Visiting here for Christmas feels like coming home for the holidays and enlightens my soul.

Houses here are filled with love and light. Here I feel home. Strolling down Bahnhofstrasse, hiking up the hills in Adliswil, being inspired in Felsenegg, praying for peace and tolerance in the world in Erlenbach, and finally, sitting by the lake in Kuesnacht being in complete admiration of the never-ending twinkling lights along the shore and the stars above on a clear Christmas night, deeply touches my heart. This is a very special place on our beautiful planet Earth. This is a place where I call the people here part of my soul family. This is a very spiritual place. I always feel so good to be here. I feel home.

As I thank the Lord for allowing me to celebrate Christmas here, I send up prayers to the heavens to my soul family, the special people in my life near and far. You are my family. We might not be related or even know each other. All I know is that I love you from the bottom of my heart – unconditionally – and that I am grateful that you exist.

I hope that wherever you are spending your holidays, may they be with loving people surrounding you in a place that enchants your heart.

Happy Holidays from a place of light and love,


Copyright © 2015 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit Ginger bread house at Baur au Lac, Zurich. Photo taken 2015 by Barbara Bullock

#Kuesnacht #Switzerland #Zurich #Adliswil #Felsenegg #Erlenbach #Holiday #Holidays #Christmas #Family #Love #Soulfamily #Soul #UnconditionalLove #Love #Light #Home #Spirituality #Unconditional #Lake #Zurisee #Zurichsee