From my heart to your heart

Dear mommy,

From my heart to your heart I wish you merry Christmas and magical holidays. My mind tells me to go to my family yet my heart wants to come to you – because you are my family. Although not born to you, you have been more mother to me than anyone else. I feel blessed that I may be near you during the holidays. As I walk through the streets of your hometown, I look up into the sky where twinkling stars remind me of a higher power and angelic beings protecting you. I pray that this and every holiday season you may be warm and surrounded with love. Astonished by the magic of the reflection of many lights in the peaceful lake I think of you and feel warm in my heart. I wish I was with you and yet I am grateful that I may be near you.

My dear friends, I wish you a holiday season filled with love, peace, and the chance to be near or with your loved ones whoever they may be. You see, to me family and love come in many forms. To me love is eternal, non-judgmental, and my proof of the divine especially when it is sincere and comes straight from our hearts. Beyond our understanding I believe that it connects us all no matter where we are or who we might be.

I love you mommy. Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays, my friends.

Love, Barbara

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Bullock

Another lesson in gratitude

Dear friends,

As the 26th of the month started approaching, yesterday morning I started thinking what I could write about this month. Standing in the cold, shivering and freezing, waiting for the bus wishing I was somewhere else many negative thoughts started coming into my mind. I looked around and thought that this is not “me”. This is not what I came on this earth for. Now, what exactly does this mean? Do you sometimes have this feeling that what you are currently doing such as the task you are doing, the job you have, the place you live at, somehow does not match with who you are inside? I have this feeling quite frequently I have to say. Yesterday was no exception. You see, I believe that we all have a purpose and came on this planet for a specific reason. We sometimes can feel and know the purpose right away and sometimes it takes a bit of time.

I believe that I am more and more on the right path and becoming more and more the person I was born to be. I know this because when I do certain things which match my “being”, it feels right, it feels good, it feels I am supposed to be doing exactly this at exactly this moment. I suppose this is because it is the right thing for me. I also believe that we all have different purposes. What feels right to you might not feel right to me and vice versa. So there I was in a situation that did not feel right to me. I did not want to be standing there in the cold waiting for the bus. Normally, many negative thoughts would enter my mind and just make matters worse. However, then I remembered how important gratitude is. On the spur of the moment, I started thinking of things I am grateful for. I started thinking of my health, of the fact that I am safe, that standing there in the cold actually meant that I was going to my job, and most importantly, I was thinking of you. I was thinking of all my dear friends and all the people in my life I love so much. I also started to think about a very specific person I love tremendously and always have. Suddenly, immense warmth filled my heart warming me like a cozy hug on a chilly autumn morning. Suddenly, tears started rolling down my cheek. Not out of sadness but out of gratitude for someone I love with all my heart and soul. As I was thinking of this special person, I felt like “me”. I felt that THIS is the purpose I am here. I am here to LOVE you. I am here for you.

Today, on this so very special day, I bow with gratitude and say thank you. Thank you, for coming into this world, thank you for being you, thank you that you are, and thank you for allowing me to LOVE you. And thank you, God, for giving me the opportunity to realize how grateful I am for that every day, even on a chilly autumn morning.

Love, Barb

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Bullock

On Loving and Writing

Dear friends,

Do you tell someone you love that you love him or her? If yes, do you tell this person often or just sometimes? Do you easily tell your loved ones that you care about them and more of a kind of person who is very outgoing and loves pretty much everything and everyone, or are you more specific when it comes to love? This month, I would like to tell you how I love. When I love, I really LOVE and when I really LOVE I will tell you and I mean it with the most sincerity I can imagine. For some reason it is not always easy for me to express my feelings but when I do I mean it. When I tell you that I love you I mean it with all my heart. I will tell you in person and I will write to you. When I tell you that I love you I hope you get my message because it only comes with purest intentions and the wish that you hear me. When I tell you I love you I do so because I would like you to know that you are loved, you are worthy and that you are special. When I tell you I love you I don’t do it for my own good but for yours. I simply want you to know that you are loved and you mean the world to me.

I love writing about someone or to someone I love because I feel that the written word makes it eternal. It brings the word from the mental and spiritual realms into the physical realm and engraves the meaning that way. When read, the received love hopefully creates emotions and feelings of warmth, happiness and the knowledge that one is loved and carries the written word back into the mental and spiritual realms and that way into eternity beyond space and time into a place where there is only pure love.

I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Love, Barbara