A good reminder of gratitude

Dear friends,

A new morning
A new morning

I have never been a morning person. I can barely get up every morning no matter what time it is. Morning, however, is actually probably the most important time of the day for one thing. No matter how tired I am, I make sure that I do one thing.

As I slowly awake, I open my eyes. I have a photo of a loved one which I love to wake up to and see first thing in the morning. Seeing my loved one makes me grateful. As I gently touch her cheek, I thank God that we are both still alive and healthy. I thank God that I have eyes, that my eyes are healthy and I can see my loved one on that photograph. Next, I stretch and realize that I still have all my limbs, that my muscles allow me to move them and that the connection to my brain works seamlessly. Next, I listen to the news. As I listen, I realize that I have ears that enable me to hear the speaker.

As I gradually get up, I remember Dr. Maya Angelou. She used to make sure that everyone understood how important it is to be grateful, especially when getting up in the morning. Waking up, getting dressed, having breakfast, and rushing out the door to go to work or school every morning might sound or be like a routine for you and it is easy to understand why many people would take this routine for granted.

However, allow me to remind you that there are people who passed away during their sleep last night, people whose health conditions do not enable them to see, hear, or get up without help and people who simply wished they could see another day and another morning. This is why I make sure that I do one thing in the morning. No matter how tired I might be, I make sure to be grateful and express this gratitude to God, the universe, my fate and destiny. Seeing people who are not this fortunate are a good reminder that we cannot take our lives and our health for granted.

May your eyes open in the morning and show you your loved ones and our beautiful world. May gratitude fill your hearts and may you have a wonderful morning.

This post is dedicated to you, Krissy.  A single instant changed your young body and soul forever. Now seemingly in hospice, my prayers for you continue and, while I still hope for a miracle, it saddens me that you might not see another morning. I love you.

A good reminder to be grateful tomorrow morning.

Love, Barbara



Copyright © 2015 by Barbara Bullock

Photo credit © 2015 by Barbara Bullock

Works cited: www.mayaangelou.com

#BobbiKristina #Gratitude #Morning  #MayaAngelou #Health


I was a motherless child until I saw you

orchidDear friends,

I used to dread Mother’s Day. Now I love it. When I was little, I just couldn’t make sense of it. I was told to buy flowers for my mother and make her breakfast on Mother’s Day. “It is tradition”, so I was told. And so I did. On the Friday before Mother’s Day I would walk home from school and buy flowers. On Mother’s Day morning I would make breakfast for her. She took her flowers, ate her breakfast, and went on with her day. That was Mother’s Day how I experienced it. Then I learned from my friends that Mother’s Day is supposed to be about love. Mother’s Day is about giving back what you receive all year – love. My Mother’s Day did not feel like that. There was no love. There was no love between us. I felt like a motherless child all year and felt I had to buy flowers and make breakfast for her on Mother’s Day. That was the tradition.

Then I discovered the eternal motherly bond.

A few years ago I saw you in front of me. I had never seen anyone so beautiful. It was not just your outer beauty that astonished me. There was more. I could sense your inner light shining as a glow on your gorgeous face. As you came closer, I felt a warm sensation. It was your nurturing aura as you took me under your wings of unconditional, divine love. As our paths crossed I looked into your eyes and saw something familiar. I knew I had seen you before. But how could I? As I believe in past lives I immediately thought of that possibility. Could it be that I know you from a past life? What I knew for sure is that my soul had connected with your caring soul as I felt a bond between us that I had never felt before. Suddenly, I felt loved and cared for like never before. I felt appreciated and wanted. I felt your unconditional love – for me.

Ever since that very day, Mother’s Day is not the same anymore. With anticipation I look forward to that day in May when I have the great honor to honor you. It is a day I spend in gratitude for your existence. It is a day I ensure that I thank God for you. Our encounter has allowed me to tap into the eternal bond of motherly love. I thank you for that. I thank you for being my real mother. I now know why we are here. We are here to love and be loved. This is the eternal motherly bond. I love you eternally, unconditionally, mommy. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for caring for me. Thank you for taking me under your wings and showing me the path to unconditional love.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy.

Love, Barbara

Copyright © 2015 by Barbara Bullock

Photo credit © 2015 by Barbara Bullock


#Spirituality #MothersDay  #Unconditionallove #Mother #Soulrecognition



Look closely and you’ll see…..

Look closely to see divine perfection in the spring
Look closely to see divine perfection in the spring

Dear friends,

When you look closely at something, what do you see? What happens when a sight captures you instantly and leaves you in amazement beyond your understanding? I can tell you what you see. Spring time is my favorite season as far as nature is concerned. Running over green meadows, walking through enchanted forests, listening to the songs of the birds, sitting by the lake listening to the sparkling water while enjoying the sun warming my face, I feel free.

Gone are the days of the confinement of winter. Gone are the chills that hold many creatures in captivity during the frigid temperatures and hostile conditions. As new life is bountiful everywhere, something captures my sight. Far in the distance I see something I have never seen before. I decide to get up from my bench and approach it. Bigger and bigger it seems the closer I get. Smaller and smaller do I appear as it stands mightily in front of me. It even blocks the sunlight. “What is this?” I ask myself. Failing to remember what my Biology teacher once told me, I realize that it does not really matter. What does matter is the amazement that I felt on that particular day. “Capture this,” an inner voice told me. I took my camera and held it against the branches. An inner voice instructed me to use the zoom. Knowing that orders from within are usually of celestial nature, I followed my order and held my camera against the object. In astonishment of its beauty, I took a picture of it. As I looked closely, I saw something. Not just something. I realized that this was beauty that only the divine could create. Petal after petal flawlessly aligned next to each other, each contributing its fragment to the seamless whole in pure perfection.

The outcome is the photo included in today’s post. Isn’t it beautiful? Aren’t these blossoms amazing? The outcome was my astonishment of divine beauty entailed in details that can only be captured when you look at the blossom of a tree in the spring closely. Friends, take some time out of your busy days to do just that. Go to the park on a sunny afternoon. Go look at the blooming trees and colorful spring flowers. Look closely though. You won’t see divine perfection unless you do so. Look closely and be astonished. It always works for me especially when I feel depressed and deprived of nature’s beauty after a long, cold winter.




Copyright © 2015 by Barbara Bullock

Photo credit © 2015 by Barbara Bullock


#Spirituality #Spring  #Blossoms #Beauty #Tree #Nature #Divine #Perfection