From Mind full to Mindful

These days, as our days are filled with stress and more to do than we can manage, many people hurry to get anything done. Many people today rush through their days as if their lives depend on how many items they can cross off their to-do-lists. In addition to physical lists, either on paper or in digital format, many people also keep mental lists in their minds. They literally occupy their minds with all the different, and sometimes tiny, tasks they have to do. At the end of the day, many people feel tired and drained. Does this sound familiar to you? If yes, read on.

A few months ago, I joined a small group to practice Mindfulness.
Mindfulness is a term that you might come across quite frequently these days. Perhaps you have already heard of it. Perhaps you even practice it yourself. Mindfulness is often described as a practice of doing everyday things in a mindful way by, basically, simply paying attention to what you do when you do it, or, by simply letting go of your thoughts without judging them.

May 2016
Butterfly mindfully basking in the sun

In my group, we often listen to meditations, count our breaths, and scan our bodies for any discomfort in order to release it. In our relaxed positions, we become more aware of sounds around and within us. These sessions are very relaxing and soothing.

I often wish the sessions were longer. However, already after ten minutes of meditation, I can feel a difference in my body and mind. Gone is the stress I had encountered at the office earlier, gone is the argument I had had, gone are any to do lists.

At the end of the meditation when we are asked to open our eyes, I often wish the meditation would continue. However, we always get homework to do in order to practice mindfulness during the sessions. These tasks vary from washing your hands in a mindful way (feeling the water, looking at your hands etc.), eating and drinking more slowly, to noticing the blooming trees on the way home. The latter is my favorite. Nature always reminds me that nothing can be rushed. Life is not meant to be rushed.

No seed blooms from one day to another; no tree bears fruit on the first day of spring. Yes, indeed, looking at trees on my way home not only is a great exercise after the meditation session. It is a reminder of our Mother Earth, that life is not a to-do list but a wonder in itself that is supposed to be enjoyed mindfully. Therefore, next time you feel like rushing through your day trying to get everything done, find a tree or something similar in nature that you enjoy looking at, and remind yourself that nature takes its time but accomplishes complex biological processes in miraculous ways every single day.

Love, Barbara


Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit © 2016 by Barbara Bullock

#Mindfulness #Mind #Meditation #Group #Stress #Psychology #Nature #Trees #Visualization

On inner Strength and Candy

Beautiful blossoms along the way from work nourish the soul.
Beautiful blossoms along the way from work nourish the soul.

Perhaps you remember my earlier post on my resolution to take better care of my body this year by making healthier food choices and letting my soul dance more. If not, you might want to read it to understand what I mean as I would like to inspire you today with my next step on this journey.

I used to look for ways to reward myself after a stressful day at work. While waiting for my commuter train on my way home, I would treat myself to several candy bars from the vending machine at the train station thinking that I would feel better. I started to literally look forward to my treat at the end of my work day while still at work. I found all kinds of excuses to eat candy bars as well as other snacks from that machine and made sure that I always had enough coins (and the right ones) with me.

While I thought that the chocolate and sugar would make me happier, relaxed, and feed my soul, the actual ingredients damaged by body uncontrollably by eventually making me overweight, as heavy as I had never been before, and sick. Furthermore, I was still unhappy and sad about many aspects of my life. Finally, at the end of last year, I realized that I had to do something about my health. Since then I have shed almost 30 pounds through tracking my food, exercise, reading books, and listening to hypnosis recordings to try to change my patterns. The latter has just started working in the most miraculous way I can imagine.

I recently had a tough and long day. I really fought the craving and urge to eat at least one candy bar. The old me kept saying: “Eat one, just one!” However, the new me resisted. I had to walk by the vending machines really fast to get away as quickly as possible. My eyes focused on the yummy candy inside when my new me said: “These won’t make you happy, but music or a video will do.” I almost ran downstairs to the platform in order to get away from those vending machines. Sitting on the train, while searching the Internet, I came across a very inspirational video, which indeed lifted me up like no candy ever could!
By the time I came home, I no longer even thought of any sugar and had a healthy dinner instead. Writing this after dinner sipping relaxing tea, I am not just happy. I am proud of myself and grateful for how far I have come. I am on my way to normal weight. My new me cannot wait to pass those candy bars easily tomorrow thanks to my inner strength and what those candy bars taught me.

Love, Barbara

Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit © 2016 by Barbara Bullock
#Selflove # Soul #Music #Video #Food #Growth #Craving #Diet #Health #Lifestyle #Weight #Weightloss #Overweight #Candy #Work #Commute #Vendingmachine #Inner #Strength #temptation #stress #overcome #train #trainstation