Divine trees

Looking up a majestic palm tree in Hawaii. Divine!
Looking up a majestic palm tree in Hawaii. Divine!

My favorite tree is the palm tree. I love its strong stem and evergreen leaves. I also love that it reminds me of tropical places and the sea. However, all trees are special. Let me show you why. Trees are centered beings standing firmly. They are always grounded because their roots have a good grip on them connecting them to Mother Earth who nourishes and nurtures them. At the same time, their branches reach so high up into the sky as if they try to touch the clouds to reach up into the heavens above.

Trees do as they wish. They are never intimidated to make more out of themselves and grow nor to let go when it is time to shed withering leaves. Never asking for much except for a little water from time to time, they stand tall and proud weathering many storms in their lives. They tolerate humans and animals climbing on them, give shade, provide oxygen to breathe in, fruits to eat, blossoms to admire and enjoy, and healing for any soul and body that comes. You see, I believe that a tree is a gift from the universe, source energy or God in many ways. They are steadfast yet gentle, taking yet giving divine beings.

Have you honored a tree today? Let’s cherish those marvelous creatures. Why not even hug one. Let’s give thanks to God for these beauties in our nature. Let’s not cut them and destroy them in thousands without replacing their spots with new seeds. Let’s not take away living space of thousands of species living in rainforests that cannot be found elsewhere on our planet. Let’s not simply destroy in a few years what was magnificently designed and evolved over millions. Let’s not simply take what was given without giving back. Let’s not cut off ourselves from fresh air. Let’s not deprive our children of not just this gift of nature but a necessity for survival. If we don’t, what air will future generations breathe in? Where will they go for shade? What will they eat? Where will they play? Who will teach them about self-confidence and personal power? Who will provide healing and comfort, insight and wisdom?

Let’s pray for those future generations. Let’s pray for our trees that we have left standing. Better yet, let’s do everything we can to save them. Let’s join organizations, mobilize supporters, and use more recycled paper. Don’t print this post, this e-mail, this article, please. Let’s give thanks for divine trees. Let’s honor them. Let’s hug them. Let’s save our divine, majestic wonders of nature.



Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit © 2014 by Barbara Bullock. Photo was taken in Hawaii 2014.

#Tree #Trees #Environment #Paper #Palmtree #Nature #God #Planet #MotherEarth #Power #Organization #Rainforest #Hawaii #Divinity #Generations #Green #Future #root #growth

The inner artist

566-2The time of spring and Easter, for those who celebrate it, is often considered a time of renewal and growth. Unless you live in a tropical climate that hardly changes, you will most likely experience this progression in the seasonal change from the cold, dark winter to the lighter, warmer days of spring. As the days are filled with more natural sunlight, birds sing their hearts out of newfound happiness, trees blossom and the grass is green again, I also become alive. It is not a coincidence that spring is my favorite season. While the results of growth are easier to notice when taking a walk through nature in the spring, human beings also benefit from the personal growth and renewal this season brings.

When I look back at many spring times of my life, I realize that I too have gone through many changes that taught me a lesson and allowed my soul to grow. This year, I have decided to let my inner artist emerge. When we think of art, paintings, music, sculptures or novels often come to mind. However, I believe that art can take many different forms. I also believe that art is the language the universe speaks to us. It is no coincidence that many people call talents God given gifts. I also believe that those gifts are individually wrapped and placed in our hearts and souls the moment we are created and come to this earth to express them.

Everyone has a reason to be here. Many people wonder what it is. I believe that one of the reasons we come here is to share our gifts. Doing so allows our souls to shine and seek fulfillment while on earth. How do you know what your gift is? I think that our passions are our key emotions to answer this question. Our souls long for growth and expression. We can do so by sharing our talents with the world. I have longed to be an artist as long as I can remember. I also know that I was an artist in at least one or more past lives. This year, it is time to let my inner artist emerge and come to the surface. I know that I have been hiding for too long. My soul longs to be expressed and shared with the world. Encouraged and empowered I look into the warm spring sun and feel reassured that, after the cold, long winter, I am ready to emerge from my shell. I wish you all the same growth and newfound happiness that you will find when you start following your passions and express your soul’s wishes for fulfillment whatever form it takes.

The question is, what can you do when fears and doubts appear along the way? On your path, people will criticize you, push you down and tell you that you are never going to make it. Don’t let their egos keep you from growing. Don’t accept their negativity as a sign that you are not going to succeed. It’s like telling an egg in a bird’s nest that no singing bird will ever come out of its shell, a cocoon that it will never change into a beautiful butterfly or a seed in the ground that it will never ever grow into a gorgeous flower. No negativity can stop growth and the expression of the gifts of the universe through art and beauty just as a late winter storm cannot stop spring from coming. So, this spring and beyond, let your inner artist emerge, share your passions, and help make our world a more beautiful and artistic one just as God has intended it to be when it was created.

Love, Barbara


Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo taken at Hotel Dolder Grand Zurich in 2011 by Barbara Bullock

#Love # Soul #March #Easter #Spring #Growth #Artist #Art #Writer #Writing #Butterfly #Flower #Seed #Emerging #Inner #Inside #Mission #Passion #Light #Bird #Sing #Painting #Music #Expression #Seed #Egg #Winter #Storm #Positivity #Negativity #Cocoon #Talent