Divine trees

Looking up a majestic palm tree in Hawaii. Divine!
Looking up a majestic palm tree in Hawaii. Divine!

My favorite tree is the palm tree. I love its strong stem and evergreen leaves. I also love that it reminds me of tropical places and the sea. However, all trees are special. Let me show you why. Trees are centered beings standing firmly. They are always grounded because their roots have a good grip on them connecting them to Mother Earth who nourishes and nurtures them. At the same time, their branches reach so high up into the sky as if they try to touch the clouds to reach up into the heavens above.

Trees do as they wish. They are never intimidated to make more out of themselves and grow nor to let go when it is time to shed withering leaves. Never asking for much except for a little water from time to time, they stand tall and proud weathering many storms in their lives. They tolerate humans and animals climbing on them, give shade, provide oxygen to breathe in, fruits to eat, blossoms to admire and enjoy, and healing for any soul and body that comes. You see, I believe that a tree is a gift from the universe, source energy or God in many ways. They are steadfast yet gentle, taking yet giving divine beings.

Have you honored a tree today? Let’s cherish those marvelous creatures. Why not even hug one. Let’s give thanks to God for these beauties in our nature. Let’s not cut them and destroy them in thousands without replacing their spots with new seeds. Let’s not take away living space of thousands of species living in rainforests that cannot be found elsewhere on our planet. Let’s not simply destroy in a few years what was magnificently designed and evolved over millions. Let’s not simply take what was given without giving back. Let’s not cut off ourselves from fresh air. Let’s not deprive our children of not just this gift of nature but a necessity for survival. If we don’t, what air will future generations breathe in? Where will they go for shade? What will they eat? Where will they play? Who will teach them about self-confidence and personal power? Who will provide healing and comfort, insight and wisdom?

Let’s pray for those future generations. Let’s pray for our trees that we have left standing. Better yet, let’s do everything we can to save them. Let’s join organizations, mobilize supporters, and use more recycled paper. Don’t print this post, this e-mail, this article, please. Let’s give thanks for divine trees. Let’s honor them. Let’s hug them. Let’s save our divine, majestic wonders of nature.



Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit © 2014 by Barbara Bullock. Photo was taken in Hawaii 2014.

#Tree #Trees #Environment #Paper #Palmtree #Nature #God #Planet #MotherEarth #Power #Organization #Rainforest #Hawaii #Divinity #Generations #Green #Future #root #growth

I am so grateful that you exist

Dear friends, orchid 2

This is for you, Anna Mae. As I arose this morning, I folded my hands in prayer. The long awaited day has finally arrived. No, it’s not Christmas; no it’s not my birthday; nor is it my graduation or other milestone of this kind. A day long awaited with anticipation for one sole reason.

This is a day many people celebrate you. Some play your music, or dress like you. Others express their appreciation in words to you or thoughts of you. Others will raise their glasses, and cheer with you, and shower you with presents and flowers, kisses and embraces. As varied as the many tokens of thankfulness and celebration might be, I bow my head in gratitude and say thank you.

I am so grateful that you exist.

I thank God for such a generous creation of you, a soul and human being so beautiful – inside and out – simply beyond imagination.  A soul and human being letting her light keep shining in the darkest moments of life. Gone through trials and tribulations in your early life, you have had to learn harsh lessons since your human existence here. Never diminished by those, you rose like a phoenix into the realm of a spiritual teacher. I could not agree with you more. I truly believe that God put you here for this very reason. It’s as if God brought an earth angel beyond comprehension in the midst of us. How could anybody have known that in little Anna Mae such an earth mother beyond our humble human awareness would emerge someday? This is why I, on this day, I pray and thank God for your existence. When I see you I see the timeless bond of unconditional love. It is the eternal bond that connects all of us like a thread, regardless of time and space. Nevertheless, I celebrate this day as my best day of the year. It’s the day when you came into existence.

I wish I could look into your eyes today and feel your wisdom, courage and love. I wish I could let you know how much I appreciate, honor and love you. I wish I could tell you what an amazing human being you are, and how much your soul and spirit enlightens the little me. As Dr. Maya Angelou said, “I would love to be with you right now but I can’t right now. So I love you”. She knew that unconditional love liberates and does not bind. So I love you. So my tribute to you is unconditional love.

So on this day, I bow my head and say thank you. I thank God for your existence. May the angels watch over you, on this day and every day, and shower you with continuous health, happiness and unconditional love.

Happy Birthday, Anna Mae.

In humble gratitude and love, Barbara


Copyright © 2014 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit 2014 by Barbara Bullock

Works cited: Dr. Maya Angelou


You don’t have faith, you are faith

Dear friends,

           Have you ever heard that you are actually a spiritual being having a human experience? What do you think this means? I think that it means that there is a part of us, somewhere deep inside of us, which connects us to the divine. I believe that that we are eternal souls that incarnate and reincarnate into our third, physical dimension to have this earthly, human experience. I believe that this inner essence of the divine is ever present in our lives and physical bodies. I believe that it enables us to have thoughts, feelings, receive divine guidance while on earth as well as to remember our divine essence which I believe is unconditional love, abundance, and faith. You might call it your soul, spirit, intuition, or higher self. Whatever you call it, just know it is there with you, right this moment. This inner form of energy is part of you. Let’s have a look at how you can connect to this part of you.

               There are many ways to connect to your own divine essence. One way is to know that you are faith. No, I don’t mean to have faith. Perhaps you are going through a rough patch of your life. Perhaps you have just lost your job, are worried about your finances, concerned about the future, praying for a loved one’s recovery, grieving someone, suffering from depression, or simply have the blues and are confused about what’s next in your life. If you asked someone for advice on what to do, perhaps that someone would tell you to have faith. I would like to tell you that you don’t have to have faith, but that you are faith. Undoubtedly, there is some sort of higher power/intelligence at work in our lives. I know that everything happens for a reason. As human beings we often don’t understand the meaning of an event or situation that has occurred in our lives. I believe that we don’t have to. But I know that we are faith.

            As spiritual beings having a human existence, I believe that all we have to do is to remember where a part of us comes from. All we have to remember is that we are a part of the divine. Wherever you seek it – outside of yourself such as in an omniscient God, or inside of you, such as in your inner self – just know it is there and you are a part of it. Whatever you might be going through right now, know that you have that inner light within you. Know that you are light and love. Know that you have the abundance, wisdom, and power to change your life. Know that you have the strength to get through whatever you are going through right now or whatever might come. You know that because you not only have these qualities in you but you are these qualities, right in this moment as a spiritual being having a human experience. The feelings you are feeling might not feel good. It is easy to lose hope and want to give up. However, do know that you don’t have to. Your feelings are just telling you that you are human. If your feelings are not good, you know that you can turn to your divine essence for the comfort and faith that you are seeking.

            This post is dedicated to all my friends, who are going through a rough patch in their lives. Know that I am always here for you. Know that you don’t have to have faith that everything is going to be all right. Know that you are faith. You are a spiritual being having an earthly existence. The divine is faith. And so are you.

Love and faith,


Copyright © 2014 by Barbara Bullock