Dare to be grand this holiday season and beyond

Be grand like the Eiffel Tower
Be grand like the Eiffel Tower

When I grew up, I was often told that I am supposed to live in a small way. I never understood what that meant. I have an idea now. It meant to be invisible. It meant to conform. It meant to fit in and do as others would expect. It also meant neither having ambitious goals nor daring to dream big dreams. It meant not to celebrate anything in a grand way especially not myself. However, I believe that life is meant to be grand. Allow me to take you on a journey to Paris in order to understand what I mean.

I just came back from a trip to Paris. Paris has always had a special place in my heart. Whenever I visit this city, I feel home there, know my way around pretty well, and want to stay for good. Certainly, probably millions of people around the world dream of visiting Paris, while a few (in comparison to our world’s population) are lucky to actually do so. Not only does Paris have a rich culture, architecture, and history that is world-famous. Paris is one of those magical places that draw you inside of its core and never let you go again completely. Once there, one can never forget one’s experiences in this grand location. Whenever I am there, I leave a piece of my heart in this grand city.

The Eiffel Tower sparkles once each hour in the evening. I am in complete awe. No picture can do it justice. No words would ever suffice to explain the atmosphere. One has to be there physically in order to understand the tower’s magical power. I believe it is not just a landmark pretty enough for postcards and shares on social media. I truly believe that the construction of the Eiffel Tower was inspired by the grand divinity, our source, God, or universe – whatever you might call it. I believe that landmarks like this one are placed on our planet Earth in order to remind us of the grandeur of the great divine, which, by the way, includes us. This is why many feel the magic of the universe when standing in front of such a monument.

The Eiffel Tower reminds me of my own grandness. I try not to pay attention to the many tourists. I try to find a quiet moment to take it all in. As I stand in front of it in awe, suddenly, everything becomes possible. Gone are negativity, doubt, and my often present lack of self-esteem. Instead, I feel the connection to the divine and the tower in front of me. As we become one, I feel at home, and I become grateful and inspired. I walk away with renewed faith and strength, and, yes, a few pictures too.

So this holiday season and beyond, be inspired by his majesty the Eiffel Tower. While there are many landmarks, no one is like another. It dares to be unique and stand out. The Eiffel Tower does not care what others think of it. If it was human, it probably would dare to dream big. While there are many of us, no one is like you. Be like the Eiffel Tower. Stand tall and proud, be magnificent and grand. Most importantly, make yourself and your life count and inspire millions of others, just as the Eiffel Tower does every day and, hopefully, will do so for many generations to come. A bientot, my dear Paris.

Happy Holidays,

Love, Barbara


Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, taken in Paris December 2016.

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Divine trees

Looking up a majestic palm tree in Hawaii. Divine!
Looking up a majestic palm tree in Hawaii. Divine!

My favorite tree is the palm tree. I love its strong stem and evergreen leaves. I also love that it reminds me of tropical places and the sea. However, all trees are special. Let me show you why. Trees are centered beings standing firmly. They are always grounded because their roots have a good grip on them connecting them to Mother Earth who nourishes and nurtures them. At the same time, their branches reach so high up into the sky as if they try to touch the clouds to reach up into the heavens above.

Trees do as they wish. They are never intimidated to make more out of themselves and grow nor to let go when it is time to shed withering leaves. Never asking for much except for a little water from time to time, they stand tall and proud weathering many storms in their lives. They tolerate humans and animals climbing on them, give shade, provide oxygen to breathe in, fruits to eat, blossoms to admire and enjoy, and healing for any soul and body that comes. You see, I believe that a tree is a gift from the universe, source energy or God in many ways. They are steadfast yet gentle, taking yet giving divine beings.

Have you honored a tree today? Let’s cherish those marvelous creatures. Why not even hug one. Let’s give thanks to God for these beauties in our nature. Let’s not cut them and destroy them in thousands without replacing their spots with new seeds. Let’s not take away living space of thousands of species living in rainforests that cannot be found elsewhere on our planet. Let’s not simply destroy in a few years what was magnificently designed and evolved over millions. Let’s not simply take what was given without giving back. Let’s not cut off ourselves from fresh air. Let’s not deprive our children of not just this gift of nature but a necessity for survival. If we don’t, what air will future generations breathe in? Where will they go for shade? What will they eat? Where will they play? Who will teach them about self-confidence and personal power? Who will provide healing and comfort, insight and wisdom?

Let’s pray for those future generations. Let’s pray for our trees that we have left standing. Better yet, let’s do everything we can to save them. Let’s join organizations, mobilize supporters, and use more recycled paper. Don’t print this post, this e-mail, this article, please. Let’s give thanks for divine trees. Let’s honor them. Let’s hug them. Let’s save our divine, majestic wonders of nature.



Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit © 2014 by Barbara Bullock. Photo was taken in Hawaii 2014.

#Tree #Trees #Environment #Paper #Palmtree #Nature #God #Planet #MotherEarth #Power #Organization #Rainforest #Hawaii #Divinity #Generations #Green #Future #root #growth