On inner Strength and Candy

Beautiful blossoms along the way from work nourish the soul.
Beautiful blossoms along the way from work nourish the soul.

Perhaps you remember my earlier post on my resolution to take better care of my body this year by making healthier food choices and letting my soul dance more. If not, you might want to read it to understand what I mean as I would like to inspire you today with my next step on this journey.

I used to look for ways to reward myself after a stressful day at work. While waiting for my commuter train on my way home, I would treat myself to several candy bars from the vending machine at the train station thinking that I would feel better. I started to literally look forward to my treat at the end of my work day while still at work. I found all kinds of excuses to eat candy bars as well as other snacks from that machine and made sure that I always had enough coins (and the right ones) with me.

While I thought that the chocolate and sugar would make me happier, relaxed, and feed my soul, the actual ingredients damaged by body uncontrollably by eventually making me overweight, as heavy as I had never been before, and sick. Furthermore, I was still unhappy and sad about many aspects of my life. Finally, at the end of last year, I realized that I had to do something about my health. Since then I have shed almost 30 pounds through tracking my food, exercise, reading books, and listening to hypnosis recordings to try to change my patterns. The latter has just started working in the most miraculous way I can imagine.

I recently had a tough and long day. I really fought the craving and urge to eat at least one candy bar. The old me kept saying: “Eat one, just one!” However, the new me resisted. I had to walk by the vending machines really fast to get away as quickly as possible. My eyes focused on the yummy candy inside when my new me said: “These won’t make you happy, but music or a video will do.” I almost ran downstairs to the platform in order to get away from those vending machines. Sitting on the train, while searching the Internet, I came across a very inspirational video, which indeed lifted me up like no candy ever could!
By the time I came home, I no longer even thought of any sugar and had a healthy dinner instead. Writing this after dinner sipping relaxing tea, I am not just happy. I am proud of myself and grateful for how far I have come. I am on my way to normal weight. My new me cannot wait to pass those candy bars easily tomorrow thanks to my inner strength and what those candy bars taught me.

Love, Barbara

Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit © 2016 by Barbara Bullock
#Selflove # Soul #Music #Video #Food #Growth #Craving #Diet #Health #Lifestyle #Weight #Weightloss #Overweight #Candy #Work #Commute #Vendingmachine #Inner #Strength #temptation #stress #overcome #train #trainstation

This year, let your soul dance!

Happy New Year 2016
Happy New Year 2016

I have been waiting for it. Happy New Year! I am so thrilled that 2016 is finally here. This year, I let my soul dance. Let me explain.

When I was a little girl I loved singing and dancing. Starting when I was a few years old, I would ask my grandparents to turn off the radio. This was my time to sing a song. I would sing and dance my heart out and entertain everyone in the car or living room. Then my voice became silent and my body still. Growing up I learned that the society we live in is not necessarily very compassionate nor tolerant. On the contrary, we are often judged and criticized by other people. Therefore, over the years, I have become more self-aware and ceased doing many things because of the fear and thought “what will the people think of me”. As human beings we tend to live in groups and conform to others. We often give up passions, wishes, goals, even entire dreams for others. Many of us are taught not to stand out and not to dare to be different. Let me tell you that I was born different. I used to think of it as a weakness because I was shown by my peers and adults who raised and taught me that I ought not to be that way. Until now I conformed. However, this year, I let my soul dance.

I have been looking forward to this New Year for a while. I can feel that it is different from previous years. There is so much positive energy around me. Many people come to me and tell me the same. Perhaps it has to do with the number 16. The number 16 is significant for me. I have had jobs, relationships and new phases of my life start on a 16th of the month. I can see the synchronicity. This year, 2016, a new phase of my life begins. I can feel it. I am currently completing my thesis for my MFA in Creative Writing in order to take my professional life to the next level. I have started a weight loss program that will hopefully and finally help me change my eating habits into healthy and sustainable ones for good. Until now, I have often given in to eating as others do because I conformed. This year, I take care of me and my body. Last but not least, I have started to sing and dance again – literally. A few weeks ago I was looking for a way to incorporate more physical exercise into my life. I thought about what I would enjoy the most. Then I remembered dancing from my childhood.

I found all kinds of excuses. One of them was: “What will the neighbors say when they see me through the windows dancing around the house?” My first thought was: “I can’t do that”. Then I listened to my heart. My soul loves music and dancing. So this year, being the beginning of a new phase of my life, I won’t care anymore what the neighbors might think. This year, I will dance, write and do what my heart desires. I might be judged. That’s OK. I was born different.

So this year, let your soul dance. Do what feels right to you. Do what makes you happy. Do whatever makes your soul dance. I wish you that.

Happy New Year.

Love, Barbara


Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo taken in Erlenbach, Zurich, 2015 by Barbara Bullock

#Erlenbach #Switzerland #Zurich #Love #Soul #Dance #Singing #Happiness #Writing #Thesis #NewYear #Weightloss #2016 #Synchronicity #16 #Numerology

A thought on Colette V. Paul’s Butterflies Dance in the Rain, a collection of poetry and prose


Butterflies Dance in the RainDear friends,

As many of you know, I try to live my life in truth and honesty. When I tell you that I love you, I mean it. When I tell you that I don’t, I also mean it. When I review a book, I won’t tell you what you want to hear so you’ll buy it. I won’t tell you the story in an objective, journalistic style. However, I will tell you what I feel, hear and see when I read it – from my heart to yours. Be inspired by my review of Butterflies Dance in the Rain.

To be honest, I don’t remember how I know Ms. Colette V. Paul. What I do remember is a video of her that I had come across on the Internet. As I listened to her speaking one of her poems, I realized that the way she spoke reminded me of someone. Colette’s soft yet strong voice articulating words of wisdom resonated with me immediately. Colette’s outer beauty is a reflection of her inner world of love, faith, hope, and the wonderment of life. Colette has a light around her that shines brightly and enlightens everyone who knows her. However, as Butterflies in the Rain shows its readers, this wasn’t always so. Lessons of life likely propelled Colette into higher spheres of her own spirituality.

I believe that Butterflies in the Rain reflect that to the point. Filled with the sadness of a broken heart, Colette is a true artist with an understanding that there is a higher power we can all call upon in times of distress. Dear God Letter is the quest of such search for healing. It opens the poetry collection and leads me, the reader to the realization that we are all eternal and a part of this higher power whatever name one wants to give it. As Colette realizes that she is a part of this eternal power, her spirits seem to lift and carry me to the next poem. Many poems read like Japanese haikus when so much can be expressed in just a few lines. Colette seems to know instinctively when this is the case. Stillness, aspiration, intuition, love, renewal, music and human tragedies are described boldly without complications as they do not need more words but the recognition that only one thing is needed – love.

Back to reality and everyday problems, Another year feels rushed at first suffocating me, the reader, with stress, disturbance and problems. However, the last three lines free my mind and entail the deep message that I found buried under the problems. Cursed is another favorite of mine and deeply touches my soul. It is as if I almost can feel Colette’s soul crying out for help and freedom. Now the poetry collection gains in speed and depth as I learn more details on Colette’s life changing experiences, newly given responsibilities, facing prejudice and difficult circumstances in I’m Doing Just Fine. Colette puts into words what others cannot express. Suddenly, I knew who Colette reminded me of in the video. I am Woman is a masterpiece filled with dignity and strength of a woman. Elevations and Vibrations bring me back to my memory of watching the video and help me realize that, Colette is, as Dr. Maya Angelou would likely call her, a Phenomenal Woman.

Indeed, Colette is a creative soul on a journey. Life might have knocked her down a couple of times. However, her gift of words lifts her high and let her soul fly freely through life’s turning points and complications. I call Colette the next Dr. Maya Angelou. I don’t say this lightly. I mean it with my heart and my soul. Let Butterflies Dance in the Rain take you to higher spheres. Follow Colette on her journey here:


To Colette: Next time, look up into the clouds. I am sure Maya would be proud of you. Perhaps she’ll put a rainbow in your clouds.




Copyright © 2015 by Barbara Bullock

Photo credit © 2015 by Colette V. Paul

Works cited:

Paul, Colette V. Butterflies Dance in the Rain. Atlanta : Southern Butterfly Publishing , 2015. Book .



Dr. Maya Angelou www.mayaangelou.com


#ColetteVPaul #Poems #Poetry #Soul #Love #Writer #Review #MayaAngelou #ButterfliesDanceintheRain #butterfly #butterflies #rain #dance #poet

All views and opinions expressed in this review and other posts are purely personal views of the author Barbara Bullock. These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of any person mentioned. My blogs are for information/entertainment only and are not meant to replace any spiritual, psychological, medical or legal advice.