Love is the Message


Festive lights signify the start of the holiday season. Make it a more loving one by sending a message of love. Barbara Bullock

At Thanksgiving, many people usually give thanks for the food, blessings, and love they have received over the year while enjoying traditional foods and spending time with family and friends. In addition, I give thanks by sending a message.

I spent Thanksgiving at a luxury hotel enjoying a feast of warm soup, a variety of delightful appetizers, juicy turkey, yummy sweet potatoes, and a dessert table with a chocolate fountain and pies so perfectly created they looked like they had just come out of a contest. The evening was lovely. I felt deeply grateful to be blessed by this sumptuous meal. At the same time, I felt guilty. The entire evening I could not stop thinking of the homeless person sleeping under a window I had passed on the way to my place of indulgence. On my way home, I could not stop crying. Why would life be so unfair?

As a humanitarian and empath, I often wish I could save the entire world. Make it a little better for everyone. Make our world a little more loving. I admit I love lavish surroundings. I also love helping others. Some people just need a roof over their heads or other material items to survive. Some people just need someone who cares about them. Some people just need someone who listens or someone who holds their hands. Some people just need a little bit of love. Some people simply need to hear your message of love.

This Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for all the many blessings we have received. Furthermore, this Thanksgiving and every day, let us send a message of love to people in need and people we love. There is already enough turmoil in our world. The news is filled with negativity and fear. Let us respond with love by sending little messages of love. It is so easy to send a message of love. I can’t save the entire world. No one can. But each and every one of us can send a message of love. I would like to show you how.

This Thanksgiving and every day, let us remember people in need and loved ones. Share your goods with someone less fortunate, give someone a hug of comfort just to show you are there, assist a stranger for no reason, and send the most beautiful flowers to someone you love just to brighten the day. These are a few examples. The list of opportunities is endless. I am certain that you’ll find something to do. I just did, and I hope you will too. A small gesture for one can mean the world to the other. No matter how big or small it is, it is a message of love. If sent with good intention, I am sure it will arrive and appreciated. May our world be a little better, a little more loving.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Love, Barbara


Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, taken at Marriott Hotel Vienna November 2016

#fall #autumn #Thanksgiving #giving #gesture #help #charity #love #message



Mother Nature really does know best



Mother Nature really does know best. As the warm autumn sun caresses my spirit with golden rays, I become nostalgic. Slowly but surely I start to realize that there are only three months left this year. I reminisce the time gone by, the goals I set myself at the beginning of the year, the lessons I have learned, and the changes I have made. I also think about my long list of things to do that are yet to be done. Really? Only three months left? “That can’t be! I have not done everything I wanted to do this year,” my mind tells me.  “I wanted to write a book and inspire the world,” my heart expresses. “I wanted to be more loving and help more people in need,” my soul whispers softly.

Walking through the park, I take notice of the colorful yellow and red leaves. They are bold; they shine brightly; they raise the vibration of the energy surrounding them. I don’t know anyone who does not love fall foliage. Looking at these vibrant miracles of nature, I thank Mother Nature for enlightening my path once again. Mother Nature reminds me that fall is not a time to run and get things done. Fall is not a time to be sad over time gone by, stressing even more, panicking over how much time is left this year, and counting how many things I have not done. Instead, Mother Nature shows in all glory that it’s time to slow down. The days are getting darker and cooler yet Mother Nature warms my heart and soothes my soul walking through this beautiful park in the middle of the busy city. Mother Nature shows in vibrant colors that it is time to enjoy the sight and to take it all in – now.

In a few weeks from now all leaves will have fallen, skies will be gray, and nights will be cold and dark. Once nature withdraws from the outside world, birds leave for warmer lands, and the sun sets in the afternoon, there will be time to get things done. For now, enjoy the show of fall foliage. Let the warm autumn sun caress your spirit. Allow the colors of the leaves raise your vibration, balance your chakras, and give you energy for the upcoming winter. Wave the birds moving south goodbye. Mother Nature knows when it’s time to slow and when it’s time to grow. Mother Nature really does know best.




Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Bullock, Photo credit © 2016 by Barbara Bullock

#fall #autumn #leaves #sun #golden #life #changes #change #goals #spirit #color #foliage #slowdown #stress #Mothernature #Nature #Trees #time

Why is change so hard?


          I am sure you are familiar with the famous saying “the only constant is change”. This month, with fall upon us and change in the air, I am wondering what this really means in our lives. Just recently, I went for a walk through a park. It was one of the last days of summer. The sun was bright, the temperature warm, birds were singing. At first glance, it did not seem as one of the last days of summer. It could have been a cool summer day. Then I noticed something – a tree. I think it was a Japanese maple tree. Its leaves had started turning red. When those leaves turn red, it is a certain sign that fall is coming. Fall foliage is a sure sign of autumn and certainly a sign of the end of summer.

           The change of seasons is a natural change you might say. You might also say that you have no problem with this kind of change. When temperatures drop, you just change your wardrobe. When summer activities seize, you simply move indoors. You might also look back in agony and wish that summer would never end. You might try to resist this change. I belong to the second group. Change is hard for me. Why can’t we, as human beings, not simply accept it as our Mother Nature does? Mother Nature does not hold on to the leaves. She lets them go. Why? Because she knows that the tree needs to rest so the new leaves, which are still hidden, can grow once spring comes. One could also say something similar about the oak tree. From an acorn mighty oak trees grow. This saying is a good reminder of how much good can come from this change and something so little if we just trust and give it time to grow.

           Change can be many different things. It can be sudden; it can be gradual; it can be joyful and hoped for; and it can be hurtful and literally depressing. I believe that change can seem scary because the future is uncertain. However, if you look at nature, nothing is uncertain there. Everything is already planned and ready to be born when the time is right. Out of something old, something new comes. Out of something little, something big is born. This is the law of nature. Take a small, unknown town in the countryside which wants to grow. Add an attraction, a museum, offer something unique. Polish it up, get the word out. Do what you can to put that place on the map. Don’t look back into the past and how great this place once was. Embrace change and create its future. Plant an acorn today. Change can be hurtful for a while. Take a relationship with a colleague, who leaves the company you work at for example. How many tears have I shed already when I liked my colleague very much? Uncertain about whether we would ever see each other again, we hug and say our good-byes. Such a change is hard. I usually miss my beloved colleagues terribly. However, when we meet again, I realize why this change had to happen – so we could change and become friends for life and not only coworkers from 9 to 5. Our acorn developed into an oak tree, which will stand and continue to grow for a long, long time.

          You see, I still think that change is hard. However, with faith that something good comes out of every change, I take change for what it is. It is not a loss of any kind. It is just a sign of life that something new, and perhaps something even greater, is about to be born.

 Love, Barbara

Copyright © 2014 by Barbara Bullock

Photo credit: Barbara Bullock 2014